Publisher: Editorial San Pablo
ISBN: 9587155521
Category : Phenomenology
Languages : es
Pages : 211

Book Description

Edmund Husserl Bibliography

Edmund Husserl Bibliography PDF Author: Steven Spileers
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401593051
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 457

Book Description
This bibliography contains the publications of Husserl and the main secondary literature on Husserl, from Husserl's earliest publication (1887) till today (1997). As the collection of material was conduded in lune 1997, the list of publications for the year 1997 is of course incomplete. In this bibliography publications in the following languages have been induded: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch - for both primary and secondary literature. Since this bibliography has been based primarily on the consultation of the induded documents (and not restricted to copying already existing bibliographies), it was not possible to indude publications in languages other than those mentioned. The bibliography has been constructed in the following way: 1. The list of Husserl's works and secondary literature by individual authors is preceded by a list of all edited volumes in which a text by or on Husserl is published. This list is ordered chronologica11y and runs from 1921 ti11 1997 (inclusive). Edited volumes of the same year are classified according to language, and this in the order mentioned above: German, English, French, etc. Edited volumes with a title in more than one language are classified according to the above order of languages (this of course concerns only the title of the edited volume, not the title(s) of the individual contributions). This order is maintained throughout the other parts of the bibliography.

La Estructura Del Método Fenomenológico

La Estructura Del Método Fenomenológico PDF Author: Javier SAN MARTÍN SALA
Publisher: Editorial UNED
ISBN: 8436257847
Category : Philosophy
Languages : es
Pages : 284

Book Description
La fenomenología husserliana representa el punto de partida de una de las corrientes de pensamiento más típicas y fructíferas del siglo XX, con amplias influencias en otros ámbitos del saber. En esta obra, partiendo del estudio de los últimos textos publicados por Husserl, así como en algunos de sus decisivos manuscritos inéditos, se pretende exponer la estructura del llamado método fenomenológico, tratando de describir lo que en él puede ser considerado como más decisivo, a saber, la necesidad de rescatar o reconstruir filosóficamente una imagen del hombre que vaya más allá de la dicotomía propia de la Edad moderna entre Teoría y Praxis, Conciencia y Mundo.

Edmund Husserl

Edmund Husserl PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780415289566
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 370

Book Description

Edmund Husserl

Edmund Husserl PDF Author: Rudolf Bernet
ISBN: 9780415289566
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description

Phenomenological Psychology

Phenomenological Psychology PDF Author: Edmund Husserl
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401010838
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 200

Book Description
THE TEXT In the summer semester of 1925 in Freiburg, Edmund Husserl delivered a lecture course on phenomenological psychology, in 1926127 a course on the possibility of an intentional psychology, and in 1928 a course entitled "Intentional Psychology. " In preparing the critical edition of Phiinomeno logische Psychologie (Husserliana IX), I Walter Biemel presented the entire 1925 course as the main text and included as supplements significant excerpts from the two subsequent courses along with pertinent selections from various research manuscripts of Husserl. He also included as larger supplementary texts the final version and two of the three earlier drafts of Husserl's Encyclopedia Britannica article, "Phenomenology"2 (with critical comments and a proposed formulation of the Introduction and Part I of the second draft by Martin Heidegger3), and the text of Husserl's Amsterdam lecture, "Phenomenological Psychology," which was a further revision of the Britannica article. Only the main text of the 1925 lecture course (Husserliana IX, 1-234) is translated here. In preparing the German text for publication, Walter Biemel took as his basis Husserl's original lecture notes (handwritten in shorthand and I Hague: Nijhoff, 1962, 1968. The second impression, 1968, corrects a number of printing mistakes which occur in the 1962 impression. 2 English translation by Richard E. Palmer in Journal o{ the British Society {or Phenomenology, II (1971), 77-90. 3 Heidegger's part of the second draft is available in English as Martin Heidegger, "The Idea of Phenomenology," tr. John N. Deely and Joseph A.

The Paris Lectures

The Paris Lectures PDF Author: Edmund Husserl
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401017034
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 132

Book Description

The Idea of Phenomenology

The Idea of Phenomenology PDF Author: Edmund Husserl
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401023719
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 81

Book Description
This translation is concluded in our Readings in Twentieth Century Philosophy, (N. Y. , The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc. , 1963). We owe thanks to Professors W. D. Falk and William Hughes for helping us with the translation. We also owe thanks to Professor Herbert Spiegelberg, Dr. Walter Biemel and the Husser! Archives at Louvain for checking it and we are especially indebted to Professor Dorion Cairns, many of whose suggestions we incorporated in the final draft. WILLIAM P. ALSTON GEORGE NAKHNIKIAN January 1964 CONTENTS V Preface Introduction IX The train of thoughts in the lectures I Lecture I 13 Lecture II 22 Lecture III 33 Lecture IV 43 Lecture V 52 INTRODUCTION From April 26 to May 2, 1907, Husserl delivered five lectures in Gottingen. They introduce the main ideas of his later pheno menology, the one that goes beyond the phenomenology of the Logische Untersuchungen. These lectures and Husserl's summary of them entitled "The Train of Thoughts in the Lectures" were edited by Dr. Walter Biemel and first published in 1950 under the 1 title Die Idee der Phiinomenologie. Husserl wrote the summary on the night of the last lecture, not for formal delivery but for his own use. This accounts for the fact that the summary contains incomplete sentences. There are some discrepancies between Lecture V and the corresponding passages in the summary. We may suppose that the passages in the summary are a closer approximation to what Husserl wanted to say.

Teoría fenomenológica de la verdad

Teoría fenomenológica de la verdad PDF Author: Miguel García-Baró López
Publisher: Univ Pontifica Comillas
ISBN: 848468329X
Category : Philosophy
Languages : es
Pages : 156

Book Description
Las "Investigaciones Lógicas" han marcado la filosofía contemporánea como quizá ningún otro libro lo haya hecho. Sin embargo, la edición original se ha interpretado casi siempre desde la segunda, es decir, desde un estadio posterior y esencialmente diferente del desarrollo de la escuela fenomenológica. Edmund Husserl, en efecto, no permitió que su gran obra se reeditara sin modificarla muy hondamente, de acuerdo con las tesis nuevas de la fenomenología transcendental. Tampoco consintió traducciones que no se hicieran sobre la edición corregida. De este modo, el contenido real de las primitivas Investigaciones se olvidó. No se tuvo presente en su justa medida hasta qué punto la psicognosia y la metafísica de Franz Brentano habían influido en Husserl. Este libro permite leer los Prolegómenos a la Lógica Pura tal como aparecieron primitivamente. Además, ofrece ya una clave hermenéutica global sobre el conjunto de las Investigaciones, cuya traducción comentada queda reservada para un volumen futuro.

Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy

Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy PDF Author: Edmund Husserl
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400974450
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 417

Book Description
the Logische Untersuchungen,l phenomenology has been conceived as a substratum of empirical psychology, as a sphere comprising "imma nental" descriptions of psychical mental processes, a sphere compris ing descriptions that - so the immanence in question is understood - are strictly confined within the bounds of internal experience. It 2 would seem that my protest against this conception has been oflittle avail; and the added explanations, which sharply pinpointed at least some chief points of difference, either have not been understood or have been heedlessly pushed aside. Thus the replies directed against my criticism of psychological method are also quite negative because they miss the straightforward sense of my presentation. My criticism of psychological method did not at all deny the value of modern psychology, did not at all disparage the experimental work done by eminent men. Rather it laid bare certain, in the literal sense, radical defects of method upon the removal of which, in my opinion, must depend an elevation of psychology to a higher scientific level and an extraordinary amplification ofits field of work. Later an occasion will be found to say a few words about the unnecessary defences of psychology against my supposed "attacks.