Author: Hauke Brunkhorst
ISBN: 9788497422222
Category : Philosophy
Languages : es
Pages : 270
Book Description
Introducción a la historia de las ideas políticas
Author: Hauke Brunkhorst
ISBN: 9788497422222
Category : Philosophy
Languages : es
Pages : 270
Book Description
ISBN: 9788497422222
Category : Philosophy
Languages : es
Pages : 270
Book Description
Comunión y comunidad: Introducción a la espiritualidad Cristiana AETH
Author: Giacomo Cassese
Publisher: Abingdon Press
ISBN: 1426761082
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 174
Book Description
“La vida en comunidad es lo más esencial de la espiritualidad cristiana, y es la esencia misma del reino de Dios... La espiritualidad cristiana consiste en un nuevo modo de relacionarnos en amor, pues es precisamente esto lo que claramente distingue a la comunidad creyente de cualquier otra comunidad humana”. Al definir así la espiritualidad cristiana, el Dr. Cassese derriba el obsoleto paradigma que intentaba buscar la perfecta relación con Dios a través del aislamiento, de la pura relación personal e individual con Dios. En particular porque en realidad es en la comunidad donde la espiritualidad se realiza, se prueba, se evalúa, crece y se perfecciona. Este libro, por lo tanto, nos ayudará a comprender y vivir la espiritualidad desde la vida cotidiana en comunidad, desde la inter-relación e inter-acción con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, desde la inmersión profunda en la vida misma. ENDOSO AL LIBRO COMUNIÓN Y COMUNIDAD Por Roberto Amparo Rivera, PhD La iglesia como institución tradicionalmente ha reflejado en la práctica las tendencias y valores de la sociedad en que se desenvuelven. Por eso no es de maravillarse encontrar hoy día creyentes individualistas y congregaciones que son más grupos de individuos que comunidades integradas. A pesar de que el amor de Dios, que supuestamente distingue la comunidad, “no busca lo suyo”, los miembros de estas iglesias se preocupan más de sus propios intereses que del bienestar comunitario. En este estado de cosas, el libro Comunión y comunidad, de Giacomo Cassese, es un grito de alerta y una invitación a recobrar el sentido comunitario de la fe cristiana. Hay una opinión generalizada de que la cultura occidental es cada vez más espiritualista. En este contexto, la espiritualidad se mide en términos de prácticas esotéricas de meditación, ayuno, contemplación de la naturaleza y lecturas de documentos misteriosos de religiones orientales. La contraparte cristiana percibe la espritualidad solo en su dimensión vertical; “el alma en relación con Dios”, mientras que el resto de la vida no hace ninguna aplicación a las relaciones diarias con los semejantes. En marcado contraste, Cassese define espiritualidad como un estilo de relacionarse y de vivir en comunidad. Para los cristianos, afirma el autor, espiritualidad conlleva vivir la vida en su plenitud y con propósito. Solo en la comunión con Cristo nos entendemos como personas de comunidad. Y es a partir de la persona de Cristo que descubrimos la dignidad de los demás como personas. Solamente recibiendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas como regalo de Dios, y experimentando a través de las comunión con ellas y ellos la encarnación de la Trinidad, tendremos la vida en abundancia que el camino hacia Dios promete. Comunión y comunidad es un oasis al espíritu solitario que aun no ha descubierto que su mayor riqueza está en la vida relacional con sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. La lectura es amena y fácil de seguir. Cassese se esmera por hacer comprensibles los términos teológicos que emplea. Con marcada paciencia toma de la mano a los lectores y lectoras y les guía con su habilidad característica a través de los caminos de la espiritualidad, dejándoles un sentido de “¡Ahora sí entiendo!” El resumen al final de los capítulos, así como el glosario al terminar la lectura, son ayudas adicionales en caso de que algún lector o lectora las necesite. Definitivamente, el libro de Cassese es un instrumento valioso para la iglesia que quiere vencer el individualismo que destruye las riquezas de vida cristiana en comunidad, el dualismo que hace separación artificial deformadora entre la creación material y el mundo del espíritu, y el pragmatismo que reduce la vida a valores puramente materiales. Cassese combate eficientemente estos tres enemigos acérrimos de la espiritualidad cristiana. Recomendamos a pastoras y pastores, líderes denominacionales, y otras personas responsables de dirigir la vida espiritual de sus respectivas comunidades, que adquieran y distribuyan copias de este libro entre su equipo de trabajo y lo usen como herramienta para provocar un movimiento de renovación espiritual comunitario. Roberto Amparo Rivera es Director de Cuidado Ministerial en la Iglesia de Dios en Puerto Rico. Es ministro, escritor, editor y profesor de seminario. Posee un doctorado en filosofía, con especialidad en liderato y política educacional de The Ohio State University, y un doctorado honorífico en divinidad de Caribbean Graduate School of Theology, en Kingston, Jamaica.
Publisher: Abingdon Press
ISBN: 1426761082
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 174
Book Description
“La vida en comunidad es lo más esencial de la espiritualidad cristiana, y es la esencia misma del reino de Dios... La espiritualidad cristiana consiste en un nuevo modo de relacionarnos en amor, pues es precisamente esto lo que claramente distingue a la comunidad creyente de cualquier otra comunidad humana”. Al definir así la espiritualidad cristiana, el Dr. Cassese derriba el obsoleto paradigma que intentaba buscar la perfecta relación con Dios a través del aislamiento, de la pura relación personal e individual con Dios. En particular porque en realidad es en la comunidad donde la espiritualidad se realiza, se prueba, se evalúa, crece y se perfecciona. Este libro, por lo tanto, nos ayudará a comprender y vivir la espiritualidad desde la vida cotidiana en comunidad, desde la inter-relación e inter-acción con nuestros hermanos y hermanas, desde la inmersión profunda en la vida misma. ENDOSO AL LIBRO COMUNIÓN Y COMUNIDAD Por Roberto Amparo Rivera, PhD La iglesia como institución tradicionalmente ha reflejado en la práctica las tendencias y valores de la sociedad en que se desenvuelven. Por eso no es de maravillarse encontrar hoy día creyentes individualistas y congregaciones que son más grupos de individuos que comunidades integradas. A pesar de que el amor de Dios, que supuestamente distingue la comunidad, “no busca lo suyo”, los miembros de estas iglesias se preocupan más de sus propios intereses que del bienestar comunitario. En este estado de cosas, el libro Comunión y comunidad, de Giacomo Cassese, es un grito de alerta y una invitación a recobrar el sentido comunitario de la fe cristiana. Hay una opinión generalizada de que la cultura occidental es cada vez más espiritualista. En este contexto, la espiritualidad se mide en términos de prácticas esotéricas de meditación, ayuno, contemplación de la naturaleza y lecturas de documentos misteriosos de religiones orientales. La contraparte cristiana percibe la espritualidad solo en su dimensión vertical; “el alma en relación con Dios”, mientras que el resto de la vida no hace ninguna aplicación a las relaciones diarias con los semejantes. En marcado contraste, Cassese define espiritualidad como un estilo de relacionarse y de vivir en comunidad. Para los cristianos, afirma el autor, espiritualidad conlleva vivir la vida en su plenitud y con propósito. Solo en la comunión con Cristo nos entendemos como personas de comunidad. Y es a partir de la persona de Cristo que descubrimos la dignidad de los demás como personas. Solamente recibiendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas como regalo de Dios, y experimentando a través de las comunión con ellas y ellos la encarnación de la Trinidad, tendremos la vida en abundancia que el camino hacia Dios promete. Comunión y comunidad es un oasis al espíritu solitario que aun no ha descubierto que su mayor riqueza está en la vida relacional con sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. La lectura es amena y fácil de seguir. Cassese se esmera por hacer comprensibles los términos teológicos que emplea. Con marcada paciencia toma de la mano a los lectores y lectoras y les guía con su habilidad característica a través de los caminos de la espiritualidad, dejándoles un sentido de “¡Ahora sí entiendo!” El resumen al final de los capítulos, así como el glosario al terminar la lectura, son ayudas adicionales en caso de que algún lector o lectora las necesite. Definitivamente, el libro de Cassese es un instrumento valioso para la iglesia que quiere vencer el individualismo que destruye las riquezas de vida cristiana en comunidad, el dualismo que hace separación artificial deformadora entre la creación material y el mundo del espíritu, y el pragmatismo que reduce la vida a valores puramente materiales. Cassese combate eficientemente estos tres enemigos acérrimos de la espiritualidad cristiana. Recomendamos a pastoras y pastores, líderes denominacionales, y otras personas responsables de dirigir la vida espiritual de sus respectivas comunidades, que adquieran y distribuyan copias de este libro entre su equipo de trabajo y lo usen como herramienta para provocar un movimiento de renovación espiritual comunitario. Roberto Amparo Rivera es Director de Cuidado Ministerial en la Iglesia de Dios en Puerto Rico. Es ministro, escritor, editor y profesor de seminario. Posee un doctorado en filosofía, con especialidad en liderato y política educacional de The Ohio State University, y un doctorado honorífico en divinidad de Caribbean Graduate School of Theology, en Kingston, Jamaica.
New Horizons in Spanish Colonial Law
Author: Thomas Duve
Publisher: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
ISBN: 3944773020
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description "Spanish colonial law, derecho indiano, has since the early 20th century been a vigorous subdiscipline of legal history. One of great figures in the field, the Argentinian legal historian Víctor Tau Anzoátegui, published in 1997 his Nuevos horizontes en el estudio histórico del derecho indiano. The book, in which Tau addressed seminal methodological questions setting tone for the discipline’s future orientation, proved to be the starting point for an important renewal of the discipline. Tau drew on the writings of legal historians, such as Paolo Grossi, Antonio Manuel Hespanha, and Bartolomé Clavero. Tau emphasized the development of legal history in connection to what he called “the posture superseding rational and statutory state law.” The following features of normativity were now in need of increasing scholarly attention: the autonomy of different levels of social organization, the different modes of normative creativity, the many different notions of law and justice, the position of the jurist as an artifact of law, and the casuistic character of the legal decisions. Moreover, Tau highlighted certain areas of Spanish colonial law that he thought deserved more attention than they had hitherto received. One of these was the history of the learned jurist: the letrado was to be seen in his social, political, economic, and bureaucratic context. The Argentinian legal historian called for more scholarly works on book history, and he thought that provincial and local histories of Spanish colonial law had been studied too little. Within the field of historical science as a whole, these ideas may not have been revolutionary, but they contributed in an important way to bringing the study of Spanish colonial law up-to-date. It is beyond doubt that Tau’s programmatic visions have been largely fulfilled in the past two decades. Equally manifest is, however, that new challenges to legal history and Spanish colonial law have emerged. The challenges of globalization are felt both in the historical and legal sciences, and not the least in the field of legal history. They have also brought major topics (back) on to the scene, such as the importance of religious normativity within the normative setting of societies. These challenges have made scholars aware of the necessity to reconstruct the circulation of ideas, juridical practices, and researchers are becoming more attentive to the intense cultural translation involved in the movement of legal ideas and institutions from one context to another. Not least, the growing consciousness and strong claims to reconsider colonial history from the premises of postcolonial scholarship expose the discipline to an unseen necessity of reconsidering its very foundational concepts. What concept of law do we need for our historical studies when considering multi-normative settings? How do we define the spatial dimension of our work? How do we analyze the entanglements in legal history? Until recently, Spanish colonial law attracted little interest from non-Hispanic scholars, and its results were not seen within a larger global context. In this respect, Spanish colonial law was hardly different from research done on legal history of the European continent or common law. Spanish colonial law has, however, recently become a topic of interest beyond the Hispanic world. The field is now increasingly seen in the context of “global legal history,” while the old and the new research results are often put into a comparative context of both European law of the early Modern Period and other colonial legal orders. In this volume, scholars from different parts of the Western world approach Spanish colonial law from the new perspectives of contemporary legal historical research."
Publisher: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
ISBN: 3944773020
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description "Spanish colonial law, derecho indiano, has since the early 20th century been a vigorous subdiscipline of legal history. One of great figures in the field, the Argentinian legal historian Víctor Tau Anzoátegui, published in 1997 his Nuevos horizontes en el estudio histórico del derecho indiano. The book, in which Tau addressed seminal methodological questions setting tone for the discipline’s future orientation, proved to be the starting point for an important renewal of the discipline. Tau drew on the writings of legal historians, such as Paolo Grossi, Antonio Manuel Hespanha, and Bartolomé Clavero. Tau emphasized the development of legal history in connection to what he called “the posture superseding rational and statutory state law.” The following features of normativity were now in need of increasing scholarly attention: the autonomy of different levels of social organization, the different modes of normative creativity, the many different notions of law and justice, the position of the jurist as an artifact of law, and the casuistic character of the legal decisions. Moreover, Tau highlighted certain areas of Spanish colonial law that he thought deserved more attention than they had hitherto received. One of these was the history of the learned jurist: the letrado was to be seen in his social, political, economic, and bureaucratic context. The Argentinian legal historian called for more scholarly works on book history, and he thought that provincial and local histories of Spanish colonial law had been studied too little. Within the field of historical science as a whole, these ideas may not have been revolutionary, but they contributed in an important way to bringing the study of Spanish colonial law up-to-date. It is beyond doubt that Tau’s programmatic visions have been largely fulfilled in the past two decades. Equally manifest is, however, that new challenges to legal history and Spanish colonial law have emerged. The challenges of globalization are felt both in the historical and legal sciences, and not the least in the field of legal history. They have also brought major topics (back) on to the scene, such as the importance of religious normativity within the normative setting of societies. These challenges have made scholars aware of the necessity to reconstruct the circulation of ideas, juridical practices, and researchers are becoming more attentive to the intense cultural translation involved in the movement of legal ideas and institutions from one context to another. Not least, the growing consciousness and strong claims to reconsider colonial history from the premises of postcolonial scholarship expose the discipline to an unseen necessity of reconsidering its very foundational concepts. What concept of law do we need for our historical studies when considering multi-normative settings? How do we define the spatial dimension of our work? How do we analyze the entanglements in legal history? Until recently, Spanish colonial law attracted little interest from non-Hispanic scholars, and its results were not seen within a larger global context. In this respect, Spanish colonial law was hardly different from research done on legal history of the European continent or common law. Spanish colonial law has, however, recently become a topic of interest beyond the Hispanic world. The field is now increasingly seen in the context of “global legal history,” while the old and the new research results are often put into a comparative context of both European law of the early Modern Period and other colonial legal orders. In this volume, scholars from different parts of the Western world approach Spanish colonial law from the new perspectives of contemporary legal historical research."
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Author: Dolores Moyano Martin
Publisher: University of Texas Press
ISBN: 9780292752313
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 956
Book Description
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research under way in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Dolores Moyano Martin, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 1977, and P. Sue Mundell was assistant editor from 1994 to 1998. The subject categories for Volume 56 are as follows: ∑ Electronic Resources for the Humanities ∑ Art ∑ History (including ethnohistory) ∑ Literature (including translations from the Spanish and Portuguese) ∑ Philosophy: Latin American Thought ∑ Music
Publisher: University of Texas Press
ISBN: 9780292752313
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 956
Book Description
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research under way in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Dolores Moyano Martin, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 1977, and P. Sue Mundell was assistant editor from 1994 to 1998. The subject categories for Volume 56 are as follows: ∑ Electronic Resources for the Humanities ∑ Art ∑ History (including ethnohistory) ∑ Literature (including translations from the Spanish and Portuguese) ∑ Philosophy: Latin American Thought ∑ Music
Blacks, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation
Author: Franklin Franco
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317665295
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 131
Book Description
Blacks, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation is the first English translation of the classic text Los negros, los mulatos y la nación dominicana by esteemed Dominican scholar Franklin J. Franco. Published in 1969, this book was the first systematic work on the role of Afro-descendants in Dominican society, the first society of the modern Americas where a Black-Mulatto population majority developed during the 16th century. Franco’s work, a foundational text for Dominican ethnic studies, constituted a paradigm shift, breaking with the distortions of traditional histories that focused on the colonial elite to place Afro-descendants, slavery, and race relations at the center of Dominican history. This translation includes a new introduction by Silvio Torres-Saillant (Syracuse University) which contextualizes Franco's work, explaining the milieu in which he was writing, and bringing the historiography of race, slavery, and the Dominican Republic up to the present. Making this pioneering work accessible to an English-speaking audience for the first time, this is a must-have for anyone interested in the lasting effects of African slavery on the Dominican population and Caribbean societies.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317665295
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 131
Book Description
Blacks, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation is the first English translation of the classic text Los negros, los mulatos y la nación dominicana by esteemed Dominican scholar Franklin J. Franco. Published in 1969, this book was the first systematic work on the role of Afro-descendants in Dominican society, the first society of the modern Americas where a Black-Mulatto population majority developed during the 16th century. Franco’s work, a foundational text for Dominican ethnic studies, constituted a paradigm shift, breaking with the distortions of traditional histories that focused on the colonial elite to place Afro-descendants, slavery, and race relations at the center of Dominican history. This translation includes a new introduction by Silvio Torres-Saillant (Syracuse University) which contextualizes Franco's work, explaining the milieu in which he was writing, and bringing the historiography of race, slavery, and the Dominican Republic up to the present. Making this pioneering work accessible to an English-speaking audience for the first time, this is a must-have for anyone interested in the lasting effects of African slavery on the Dominican population and Caribbean societies.
Post 9/11 and the State of Permanent Legal Emergency
Author: Aniceto Masferrer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 940074062X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 347
Book Description
The terrorist attacks occurred in the United States on 11 September 2001 have profoundly altered and reshaped the priorities of criminal justice systems around the world. Atrocities like the 9/11 attacks, the Madrid train bombings of March 2003, and the terrorist act to the United Kingdom of July 2005 threatened the life of democratic nations. The volume explores the response of democratic nation-states to the problems of terrorism and counter-terrorism within the framework of the Rule of Law. One of the primary subjects of study is the ways in which the interests of the state (security from external threats, the maintenance of civil peace, and the promotion of the commonwealth) are balanced or not with the liberty and freedom of the citizens of the state. The distinctive aspect of this focus is that it brings a historical, political, philosophical and comparative approach to the contemporary shape and purposes of the criminal justice systems around the world.
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 940074062X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 347
Book Description
The terrorist attacks occurred in the United States on 11 September 2001 have profoundly altered and reshaped the priorities of criminal justice systems around the world. Atrocities like the 9/11 attacks, the Madrid train bombings of March 2003, and the terrorist act to the United Kingdom of July 2005 threatened the life of democratic nations. The volume explores the response of democratic nation-states to the problems of terrorism and counter-terrorism within the framework of the Rule of Law. One of the primary subjects of study is the ways in which the interests of the state (security from external threats, the maintenance of civil peace, and the promotion of the commonwealth) are balanced or not with the liberty and freedom of the citizens of the state. The distinctive aspect of this focus is that it brings a historical, political, philosophical and comparative approach to the contemporary shape and purposes of the criminal justice systems around the world.
The Legal Foundations of Inequality
Author: Roberto Gargarella
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139485989
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 287
Book Description
The long revolutionary movements that gave birth to constitutional democracies in the Americas were founded on egalitarian constitutional ideals. They claimed that all men were created equal with similar capacities and also that the community should become self-governing. Following the first constitutional debates that took place in the region, these promising egalitarian claims, which gave legitimacy to the revolutions, soon fell out of favor. Advocates of a conservative order challenged both ideals and favored constitutions that established religion and created an exclusionary political structure. Liberals proposed constitutions that protected individual autonomy and rights but established severe restrictions on the principle of majority rule. Radicals favored an openly majoritarian constitutional organization that, according to many, directly threatened the protection of individual rights. This book examines the influence of these opposite views during the 'founding period' of constitutionalism in countries including the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139485989
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 287
Book Description
The long revolutionary movements that gave birth to constitutional democracies in the Americas were founded on egalitarian constitutional ideals. They claimed that all men were created equal with similar capacities and also that the community should become self-governing. Following the first constitutional debates that took place in the region, these promising egalitarian claims, which gave legitimacy to the revolutions, soon fell out of favor. Advocates of a conservative order challenged both ideals and favored constitutions that established religion and created an exclusionary political structure. Liberals proposed constitutions that protected individual autonomy and rights but established severe restrictions on the principle of majority rule. Radicals favored an openly majoritarian constitutional organization that, according to many, directly threatened the protection of individual rights. This book examines the influence of these opposite views during the 'founding period' of constitutionalism in countries including the United States, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
Introducción a la historia de la lengua española
Author: Melvyn C. Resnick
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 162616424X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 511
Book Description
Introducción a la historia de la lengua española es una introducción completa a la historia externa e interna de la lengua española desde sus orígenes indoeuropeos hasta la lengua moderna de más de 400 millones de personas. Los autores escudriñan los cambios fonológicos, morfológicos, sintácticos semánticos y léxicos que caracterizan la evolución de la lengua española desde sus orígenes latinos. El foco de este libro es el español moderno. Los autores abordan cuestiones tan fundamentales como: ¿De dónde proviene el español? ¿Cómo llegó a ser la lengua que conocemos hoy en día? ¿Cómo se relaciona genética y culturalmente con los demás lenguas romances y a las lenguas no romances? ¿Cuáles son los efectos del bilingüismo en las áreas donde el español coexiste con otras lenguas? La segunda edición incluye numerosos ejercicios, una sección de preguntas de repaso al final de cada capítulo, y una extensa bibliografía. El libro está actualizado y ampliado en gran medida en el alcance y profundidad; sin embargo, respeta y conserva la estructura y el enfoque pedagógicos de la primera edición para el uso con los estudiantes que no tienen conocimientos previos en la lingüística. En los cursos avanzados y de posgrado, el programa puede incorporar asignaciones adicionales y secciones, incluyendo la opción "Temas y datos adicionales" que acompañan a cada capítulo.
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 162616424X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 511
Book Description
Introducción a la historia de la lengua española es una introducción completa a la historia externa e interna de la lengua española desde sus orígenes indoeuropeos hasta la lengua moderna de más de 400 millones de personas. Los autores escudriñan los cambios fonológicos, morfológicos, sintácticos semánticos y léxicos que caracterizan la evolución de la lengua española desde sus orígenes latinos. El foco de este libro es el español moderno. Los autores abordan cuestiones tan fundamentales como: ¿De dónde proviene el español? ¿Cómo llegó a ser la lengua que conocemos hoy en día? ¿Cómo se relaciona genética y culturalmente con los demás lenguas romances y a las lenguas no romances? ¿Cuáles son los efectos del bilingüismo en las áreas donde el español coexiste con otras lenguas? La segunda edición incluye numerosos ejercicios, una sección de preguntas de repaso al final de cada capítulo, y una extensa bibliografía. El libro está actualizado y ampliado en gran medida en el alcance y profundidad; sin embargo, respeta y conserva la estructura y el enfoque pedagógicos de la primera edición para el uso con los estudiantes que no tienen conocimientos previos en la lingüística. En los cursos avanzados y de posgrado, el programa puede incorporar asignaciones adicionales y secciones, incluyendo la opción "Temas y datos adicionales" que acompañan a cada capítulo.
Latin American Business Cultures
Author: R. Crane
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230299105
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295
Book Description
How often has an American or European businessman been astonished to have his Mexican or Brazilian counterpart break off discussions without explanation and refuse to return his calls? This book helps non-Latin American businessmen or MBA students address the region. If you want to study or work in Latin America this is a must read.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230299105
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295
Book Description
How often has an American or European businessman been astonished to have his Mexican or Brazilian counterpart break off discussions without explanation and refuse to return his calls? This book helps non-Latin American businessmen or MBA students address the region. If you want to study or work in Latin America this is a must read.
Building a Nation
Author: Juan Carlos Mercado
Publisher: University Press of America
ISBN: 9780761801146
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 256
Book Description
This book is the only one of its kind on the market. It deals with one of the most brilliant yet least known Latin American authors, Esteban EcheverrÌa. EcheverrÌa was the author of La Cautiva (The Captive), El Matadero (The Slaughterhouse), and Dogma Socialista (Socialist Dogma) which formed the base of the constitution of the Republic of Argentina. In Building A Nation, Juan Carlos Mercado recovers the figure of EcheverrÌa through an analysis centralized in his work as a poet, thinker, and politician--all as one unit. The study takes into account the many sources, including European ones, that EcheverrÌa used in order to formulate a literary and political national project. Readers of this work will acquire a thorough understanding of the significance of EcheverrÌa's influence--from the introduction of European Romanticism into Argentine Literature; to the initiation of a critical and realistic narrative style never yet seen before in Argentina; to the founding of a liberal-humanist tendency which went on to acquire definitive political shape for the country.
Publisher: University Press of America
ISBN: 9780761801146
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 256
Book Description
This book is the only one of its kind on the market. It deals with one of the most brilliant yet least known Latin American authors, Esteban EcheverrÌa. EcheverrÌa was the author of La Cautiva (The Captive), El Matadero (The Slaughterhouse), and Dogma Socialista (Socialist Dogma) which formed the base of the constitution of the Republic of Argentina. In Building A Nation, Juan Carlos Mercado recovers the figure of EcheverrÌa through an analysis centralized in his work as a poet, thinker, and politician--all as one unit. The study takes into account the many sources, including European ones, that EcheverrÌa used in order to formulate a literary and political national project. Readers of this work will acquire a thorough understanding of the significance of EcheverrÌa's influence--from the introduction of European Romanticism into Argentine Literature; to the initiation of a critical and realistic narrative style never yet seen before in Argentina; to the founding of a liberal-humanist tendency which went on to acquire definitive political shape for the country.