Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-153

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-153 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
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Book Description
The question of whether the city's sale of a municipally owned utility is county business is an administrative decision to be made by the county commissioners in their exercise of the county's powers of home rule. Courts have interpreted powers of home rule as involving a great latitude of discretion. However, the county's authority to exercise its powers of home rule is subject to the limitations upon such grant of power found in K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 19-101a. Limitation number five prohibits a county from superseding or impairing a city's ability to determine its local affairs pursuant to its constitutional and statutory powers of home rule. Whether an advisory election will impair a city's ability to determine its local affairs must be determined on a case by case basis taking all of the facts and circumstances into consideration. Cited herein: K.S.A. 12-101; K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 19-101a; K.S.A. 19-101c.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-041

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-041 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
Change of ownership of a brand at the supplier's level does not, in and of itself, constitute "reasonable cause" for a supplier to terminate a franchise agreement pursuant to K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 41-410 of the liquor control act. Cited herein: K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 16-1201; 16-1203; 41-410; L. 1979, ch. 153, section 3.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-073

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-073 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
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Book Description
1988 House Bill No. 2704, places restraints on the "property rights" of individuals in order to promote and protect the well established public welfare interest of insuring that human remains are treated properly. In our opinion it clearly represents a valid exercise of the state's inherent police power. Therefore, any private individual claiming ownership of human skeletal remains would not be entitled to compensation simply because the state regulation requires relinquishment of the remains. However, if a claimant convinced the court that 1988 House Bill No. 2704 operated as an eminent domain taking of an identifiable property interest, rather than a valid exercise of police power, the court could require compensation for any legally held property interest taken by the regulation. Valuation of such a property interest would require consideration of factors set forth in K.S.A. 26-513(d) and evidence of (1) the fair market value and condition of the portion of property at the time of the taking, and (2) the loss of that value to the legal owner. Cited herein: K.S.A. 7-103; 12-707; 12-1401; 13-14c01; 14-1007; 15-1001; 15-1014; 17-1302; 19-1015; 19-2901; 19-3106; 21-3512; 21-4112; 21-4115; 21-4214; 22-3902; 26-513; 41-101; 58-2501; 65-901; 65-1701; 65-4127; 73-301; and 80-916.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-085

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-085 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
42 U.S.C. 290aa, Part C, Sec. 523b(1) prohibits the use of federally provided amounts as a non-federal match contribution. Once a recipient provider has properly received Medicaid reimbursement funds and is free to expend them in any legally permissible manner, those funds become the freely alienable property of that recipient. Thus, such a recipient and not the federal government provides the funds which may thereafter be used to match a grant pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 290aa, Part C, Sec. 523(a). Cited herein: 42 U.S.C. 290aa, Part C, Sec. 523; 42 U.S.C.A. 1396; 42 C.F.R. 74.53; 42 C.F.R. 433.45; K.S.A. 39-701, 39-717, 75-3301, 75-5301; K.A.R. 30-5-58.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-072

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-072 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
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Book Description
An appointed non-lawyer member may not continue membership on the judicial nominating committee once that member has been granted a temporary permit to practice law. Cited herein: K.S.A. 20-119; 20-120, 20-123; 20-124; 20-125; 20-127; Supreme Court Rule 705.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-024

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-024 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
The issue of whether there has been a violation of the Voting Rights Act or the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution in utilizing at large or multi-member electoral systems is a question of fact. Relevant factors a court will consider in making such a factual determination are set forth in this opinion. Cited herein: 42 U.S.C.A. section 1973a.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-014

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-014 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
Pursuant to K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 19-101a(20), counties may not exempt or change the provisions contained in K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 19-211. Pertinent language of Attorney General Opinion No. 87-164 is amended so as to be consistent with this rule. Cited herein: K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 19-101a(20); 19-211.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-082

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-082 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
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Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 36-206 and 36-207, add "dwelling unit" to penal statutes of defrauding an innkeeper or owner. K.S.A. 1987 Supp. 36-206 and 36-207, as applied to tenants, do not violate Section 16 of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the State of Kansas nor do they violate the due process provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Cited herein: K.S.A. 1987 Supp., 26-206; 36-207; Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, section 16; U.S. Const., Fourteenth Amendment.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-002

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-002 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
Under the provisions of subsection (c) of K.S.A. 46-922, the head of a state agency may pay up to $500 to persons for loss or damage to property, where such loss or damage was caused by the negligence of the state or any agency, officer or employee thereof. Claims for personal injuries may not be paid under the provisions of the aforesaid statute. Cited herein: K.S.A. 46-922.

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-165

Attorney General Opinion No. 1988-165 PDF Author: Robert T. Stephan
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

Book Description
Certain portions of K.S.A. 39-709, as amended by L. 1988, ch. 143, section 8, conflict with sections of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, 42 U.S.C. section 1396p. In order to comply with the more restrictive federal eligibility standards, and thus remain eligible for participation in the federal medicare program, state legislative action is necessary to amend those portions of the statute that directly conflict with federal requirements. Cited herein: K.S.A. 39-709, as amended by L. 1988, ch. 143, section 8; 42 U.S.C. section 1396p (Supp. 1988).