El pensamiento de suicidio en la adolescencia

El pensamiento de suicidio en la adolescencia PDF Author: Lourdes Villardón Gallego
Publisher: Universidad de Deusto
ISBN: 8498308461
Category : Social Science
Languages : es
Pages : 319

Book Description
La obra que aquí se presenta no intenta explicar el porqué de los suicidios, ni cuántos ni de qué modo se han llevado a cabo. El principal propósito de la investigación desarrollada por Lourdes Villardón es analizar los factores que inciden en el pensamiento de suicidio de los adolescentes. La autora examina con profundidad y rigor toda una extensa lista de aspectos que contribuyen a la ideación del suicidio. El libro representa una importante aportación al ámbito científico-pedagógico, ya que supone adentrarse en una línea de investigación novedosa en nuestro país.

Tentativas de suicidio en la adolescencia

Tentativas de suicidio en la adolescencia PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : es
Pages :

Book Description

Manual de intervención: prevención del riesgo suicida en adolescentes. CIPRÉS

Manual de intervención: prevención del riesgo suicida en adolescentes. CIPRÉS PDF Author: Marly Johana Bahamón Muñetón
Publisher: Editorial El Manual Moderno
ISBN: 6074487782
Category : Psychology
Languages : es
Pages : 106

Book Description
El riesgo suicida en adolescentes es una problemática de diferentes aristas que se manifiesta en ideación, intento, gestos suicidas, entre otros comportamientos encubiertos y explícitos. Además, se ha relacionado frecuentemente con la presencia de trastornos del estado de ánimo como la depresión. Este libro presenta el programa CIPRÉS, el cual surgió de un estudio mixto en el que se entrevistaron a 255 adolescentes entre 13 y 18 años clasificados según sus medidas de bienestar y riesgo suicida, con el propósito de explorar las nociones, estrategias y acciones desarrolladas por los jóvenes para mantener su propio bienestar psicológico. Sus resultados indicaron las áreas de intervención del programa y las actividades específicas a ejecutar. Este programa fue validado en el año 2017, al comprobar su efectividad para la reducción del riesgo suicida en 106 adolescentes mediante metodología de cuasiexperimento con medidas pretest, postest y grupo control. Se ha nombrado CIPRÉS, haciendo uso de la simbología que rodea este árbol y que se centra en sus propiedades físicas que le hacen una planta que crece permanentemente y con el paso del tiempo se hace más fuerte y majestuoso. La cualidad perenne de sus hojas representa su proceso de crecimiento continuo e ininterrumpido, el cual se busca desarrollar en los adolescentes con este programa, dado su énfasis en el crecimiento personal desde los aspectos positivos.

Suicidio de niños y adolescentes--

Suicidio de niños y adolescentes-- PDF Author: Olga Velasco
Category : Children
Languages : es
Pages : 234

Book Description

Autolesiones y situaciones de suicidio en adolescentes

Autolesiones y situaciones de suicidio en adolescentes PDF Author: Daniel Korinfeld
Publisher: Noveduc
ISBN: 6316603169
Category : Psychology
Languages : es
Pages : 264

Book Description
¿Cómo es que personas tan jóvenes atacan su cuerpo, atentan contra su vida? ¿Cómo entenderlo? ¿Es posible explicarnos las causas, los motivos de tales acciones? ¿Se trata de cuestiones psicopatológicas individuales? ¿Se verifican de igual modo en cada ciclo de la vida (adolescencia, adultez, tercera edad)? ¿Y qué podemos decir respecto de su creciente aparición en edades más tempranas? ¿Qué relaciones tienen estas problemáticas con lo que acontece en el campo social? ¿Cómo se entraman las marcas de cada época de esta época en la vida de un joven? El libro aborda estos interrogantes acerca de una problemática actual altamente compleja, multicausal y multidimensional, y va ordenando el campo para darle mayor inteligibilidad. Los autores, con amplia trayectoria en la temática, analizan qué diferencias y relaciones existen entre las autolesiones, las ideas de muerte, los intentos de suicidio y otras autoagresiones en la adolescencia, para luego orientarnos sobre qué y cómo podemos hacer, desde los diversos lugares y funciones que ocupamos en las instituciones en general, para intervenir antes de que aparezcan, pero también durante y después de su emergencia. Las herramientas que nos acercan nos ayudarán a estar mejor preparados para accionar ante este tipo de urgencias subjetivas.


Cortarse PDF Author: Fernando Osorio
ISBN: 9789507881916
Category : Cutting (Self-mutilation)
Languages : es
Pages : 224

Book Description
"Las autolesiones represenmtan un tipo de violencia que puede poner en rioesgo a la persona que las realiza y, en algunos casos, puede ser la puerta de entrada a una conducta suicida. Este libro brinda herramientas para ayudar a niños y jóvenes en esta situación."--

Tu vida es importante para mí

Tu vida es importante para mí PDF Author: Jessica Wolf
Publisher: Editorial Terracota
ISBN: 9786077135418
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : es
Pages : 0

Book Description
Con el propó sito de ayudar a los adolescentes y jó venes a gestionar su dolor emocional, Jessica Wolf en Tu vida es importante para mí brinda una guí a de acompañ amiento para los adultos que está n cerca de ellos. La autora da tres herramientas fundamentales: conocimiento sobre las pé rdidas simultá neas que los adolescentes afrontan, formas de apoyarlos para procesar las emociones que los abruman a diario y pistas para detectar cuando su dolor superó el umbral y el suicidio les parece la ú nica salida. Con informació n para familias y educadores, esta obra brinda orientació n para la prevenció n, propone acciones cuando el hecho sucede y apoyo en el duelo de los adolescentes que han perdido a un ser querido por suicidio.

Suicide: A Global Perspective

Suicide: A Global Perspective PDF Author: Maurizio Pompili
Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers
ISBN: 1608050491
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 294

Book Description
In the year 2000, approximately one million people died from suicide: a "global" mortality rate of 16 per 100,000, or one death every 40 seconds. In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is now among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15-44 years (both sexes); these figures do not include suicide attempts up to 20 times more frequent than completed suicide. Suicide worldwide is estimated to represent 1.8% of the total global burden of disease in1998, and 2.4% in countries with market and former socialist economies in 2020. Although traditionally suicide rates have been highest among the male elderly, rates among young people have been increasing to such an extent that they are now the group at highest risk in a third of countries, in both developed and developing countries. Mental disorders (particularly depression and substance abuse) are associated with more than 90% of all cases of suicide; however, suicide results from many complex sociocultural factors and is more likely to occur particularly during periods of socioeconomic, family and individual crisis situations (e.g., loss of a loved one, employment, honour). The economic costs associated with completed and attempted suicide are estimated to be in the billions of dollars. One million lives lost each year are more than those lost from wars and murder annually in the world. It is three times the catastrophic loss of life in the tsunami disaster in Asia in 2005. Every day of the year, the number of suicides is equivalent to the number of lives lost in the attack on the World Trade Center Twin Towers on 9/11 in 2001. Everyone should be aware of the warning signs for suicide: Someone threatening to hurt or kill him/herself, or taking of wanting to hurt or kill him/herself; someone looking for ways to kill him/herself by seeking access to firearms, available pills, or other means; someone talking or writing about death, dying or suicide, when these actions are out of the ordinary for the person. Also, high risk of suicide is generally associated with hopelessness; rage, uncontrolled anger, seeking revenge; acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking; feeling trapped – like there’s no way out; increased alcohol or drug use; withdrawing from friends, family and society, anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time; dramatic mood changes; no reason for living; no sense of purpose in life. Table 1: Understanding and helping the suicidal individual should be a task for all. Suicide Myths How to Help the Suicidal Person Warning Sights of Suicide Myth: Suicidal people just want to die. Fact: Most of the time, suicidal people are torn between wanting to die and wanting to live. Most suicidal individuals don’t want death; they just want to stoop the great psychological or emotional pain they are experiencing -Listen; -Accept the person’s feelings as they are; -Do not be afraid to talk about suicide directly -Ask them if they developed a plan of suicide; -Expressing suicidal feelings or bringing up the topic of suicide; -Giving away prized possessions settling affairs, making out a will; -Signs of depression: loss of pleasure, sad mood, alterations in sleeping/eating patterns, feelings of hopelessness; Myth: People who commit suicide do not warn others. Fact: Eight out of every 10 people who kill themselves give definite clues to their intentions. They leave numerous clues and warnings to others, although clues may be non-verbal of difficult to detect. -Remove lethal means for suicide from person’s home -Remind the person that depressed feelings do change with time; -Point out when death is chosen, it is irreversible; -Change of behavior (poor work or school performance) -Risk-taking behaviors -Increased use of alcohol or drugs -Social isolation -Developing a specific plan for suicide Myth: People who talk about suicide are only trying to get attention. They won’t really do it. Fact: Few commit suicide without first letting someone know how they feel. Those who are considering suicide give clues and warnings as a cry for help. Over 70% who do threaten to commit suicide either make an attempt or complete the act. -Express your concern for the person; -Develop a plan for help with the person; -Seek outside emergency intervention at a hospital, mental health clinic or call a suicide prevention center Myth: Don’t mention suicide to someone who’s showing signs of depression. It will plant the idea in their minds and they will act on it. Fact: Many depressed people have already considered suicide as an option. Discussing it openly helps the suicidal person sort through the problems and generally provides a sense of relief and understanding. Suicide is preventable. Most suicidal individuals desperately want to live; they are just unable to see alternatives to their problems. Most suicidal individuals give definite warnings of their suicidal intentions, but others are either unaware of the significance of these warnings or do not know how to respond to them. Talking about suicide does not cause someone to be suicidal; on the contrary the individual feel relief and has the opportunity to experience an empathic contact. Suicide profoundly affects individuals, families, workplaces, neighbourhoods and societies. The economic costs associated with suicide and self-inflicted injuries are estimated to be in the billions of dollars. Surviving family members not only suffer the trauma of losing a loved one to suicide, and may themselves be at higher risk for suicide and emotional problems. Mental pain is the basic ingredient of suicide. Edwin Shneidman calls such pain “psychache” [1], meaning an ache in the psyche. Shneidman suggested that the key questions to ask a suicidal person are ‘Where do you hurt?’ and ‘How may I help you?’. If the function of suicide is to put a stop to an unbearable flow of painful consciousness, then it follows that the clinician’s main task is to mollify that pain. Shneidman (1) also pointed out that the main sources of psychological pain, such as shame, guilt, rage, loneliness, hopelessness and so forth, stem from frustrated or thwarted psychological needs. These psychological needs include the need for achievement, for affiliation, for autonomy, for counteraction, for exhibition, for nurturance, for order and for understanding. Shneidman [2], who is considered the father of suicidology, has proposed the following definition of suicide: ‘Currently in the Western world, suicide is a conscious act of self-induced annihilation, best understood as a multidimensional malaise in a needful individual who defines an issue for which the suicide is perceived as the best solution’. Shneidman has also suggested that ‘that suicide is best understood not so much as a movement toward death as it is a movement away from something and that something is always the same: intolerable emotion, unendurable pain, or unacceptable anguish. Strategies involving restriction of access to common methods of suicide have proved to be effective in reducing suicide rates; however, there is a need to adopt multi-sectoral approaches involving other levels of intervention and activities, such as crisis centers. There is compelling evidence indicating that adequate prevention and treatment of depression, alcohol and substance abuse can reduce suicide rates. School-based interventions involving crisis management, self-esteem enhancement and the development of coping skills and healthy decision making have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of suicide among the youth. Worldwide, the prevention of suicide has not been adequately addressed due to basically a lack of awareness of suicide as a major problem and the taboo in many societies to discuss openly about it. In fact, only a few countries have included prevention of suicide among their priorities. Reliability of suicide certification and reporting is an issue in great need of improvement. It is clear that suicide prevention requires intervention also from outside the health sector and calls for an innovative, comprehensive multi-sectoral approach, including both health and non-health sectors, e.g., education, labour, police, justice, religion, law, politics, the media.

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics PDF Author: Richard E. Behrman
Publisher: Elsevier España
ISBN: 9788481747478
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 2694

Book Description
Accompanying CD-ROM contains: contents of book; continuous updates; slide image library; references linked to MEDLINE; pediatric guidelines; case studies; review questions.

Depression and Suicide

Depression and Suicide PDF Author: J.P. Soubrier
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483136779
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 902

Book Description
Depression and Suicide