Recupere la visión sin gafas

Recupere la visión sin gafas PDF Author: Harry Benjamin
ISBN: 9788441412484
Category : Eye
Languages : es
Pages : 140

Book Description

Recupera la Vision Sin Gafas

Recupera la Vision Sin Gafas PDF Author: Harry Benjamin
Publisher: Edaf
ISBN: 9788441413511
Category : Eye
Languages : es
Pages : 0

Book Description

Recupere la Vision Sin Gafas

Recupere la Vision Sin Gafas PDF Author: Harry Benjamin
ISBN: 9788476408667
Category : Eye
Languages : es
Pages : 0

Book Description

Vista Sana, Vida Sana: Ejercicios para Mejorar Tu VisiÓn Sin Gafas ni Lentillas

Vista Sana, Vida Sana: Ejercicios para Mejorar Tu VisiÓn Sin Gafas ni Lentillas PDF Author: Laura Roca
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 108

Book Description
¿PREPARADO PARA REALIZAR ESTA SERIE DE EJERCICIOS OCULARES QUE TE HARÁN DISFRUTAR DE UNA PERFECTA VISIÓN DE FORMA NATURAL? En este libro encontrarás una serie de ejercicios, acompañados de trucos, consejos y hábitos de higiene ocular, que te permitirán mejorar tu visión hasta el punto de poder dejar las gafas o las lentillas. Se trata del Método Bates, ideado por el oftalmólogo WIlliam Bates (descubridor del uso terapéutico de la adrenalina). Muchas personas se ven obligadas a usar las molestas gafas correctoras o las lentillas, una solución puntual que no resuelve el problema visual y que incluso puede agravarlo. ¿Y si te dijeran que hay un método natural capaz de hacerte recuperar la visión para que no tengas que usarlas más? Como muchas otras partes del cuerpo, el ojo puede ser ejercitado para mejorar su función y su rendimiento. Patologías como la miopía o el astigmatismo solo son consecuencias de unos hábitos de mala higiene visual acumulados a lo largo de la vida, que pueden ser corregidos con una serie de ejercicios capaces de revertir la afección. El método está basado en la relajación y movimientos oculares, y ya ha permitido recuperar una gran calidad de visión a muchas personas. En este libro descubrirás los ejercicios adecuados dependiendo de tu afección particular, cómo hacerlos, y la forma en la que gradualmente te harán mejorar tu calidad de visión: Descubrirás el uso de las gafas reticulares para recuperar la visión. Aprenderás los distintos ejercicios para fortalecer la musculatura ocular que tiende a atrofiarse con la edad y los hábitos cotidianos. Conocerás la importancia del parpadeo y cómo implementarlo en tu rutina diaria. Tendrás a tu disposición técnicas como el palming o el enfoque alternado para relajar tus ojos siempre que lo necesites. Dispondrás de una serie de ejercicios de visión y movimientos oculares para restaurar la visión perdida. Encontrarás soluciones para distintos tipos de afecciones como la miopía, el astigmatismo, la presbicia, el párpado caído, la hipermetropía, conjuntivitis o la ambliopía (ojo vago). Conocerás los mejores alimentos para cuidar y potenciar tu visión. Implementarás metodologías holísticas como el yoga ocular, el pensamiento positivo, la meditación, el gym brain, el ejercicio físico o la relajación. Disfrutarás de hábitos y consejos para dejar de maltratar tu visión en el trabajo o en el día a día. ¡Estás a solo un paso de poner en práctica este maravilloso método y empezar a mejorar tu visión de forma natural!

Cuida tus ojos

Cuida tus ojos PDF Author: Carmela París
ISBN: 9788415541660
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : es
Pages : 176

Book Description

El método Bates para mejorar la visión sin gafas

El método Bates para mejorar la visión sin gafas PDF Author: William H. Bates
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 190

Book Description

Perfect Sight Without Glasses

Perfect Sight Without Glasses PDF Author: William H. Bates
Publisher: Ophthalmologist William H. Bates
ISBN: 1479118540
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 774

Book Description
Dr. Bates 1st, Original book in the Antique 1920 Print. (Color Edition.) Includes the 1st Edition 'The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses'. Five editions combined. All of W. H. Bates treatments and Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine 'Page Two' of 132 Issues of his best Natural Eyesight Practices for every eye, vision condition; Myopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism... Fundamental Treatments, Steps by Dr. Bates & Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates (Dr. Bates assistant, wife). Natural Methods by Bernarr MacFadden. Eyecharts. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, 'The Bates Method'. He discovered the true function of the eyes (visual system) and applied natural methods, relaxation to return the eyes, eye muscles to normal function for healthy eyes, clear vision. He cured; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, crossed/wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma & other eye conditions. Natural Eyesight Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Dr. Bates book, magazines, method has been hidden from the public by eye doctors, opticians for over 100 years because this method works, is easy, anyone can learn and teach it, including children. It produces healthy eyes, clear vision and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. It can reverse, prevent cataracts and other eye conditions! Includes 17 Printable, Color PDF E-Books - All of Ophthalmologist Bates, Clark Night's Paperback & Kindle books, All books listed on Dr. Bates Amazon Author's page listed below; + Perfect Sight Without Glasses, 'The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses' by Dr. Bates. Photo Copy of the Original Antique Book Pages with Pictures. (Text version with additional Modern Treatments included.) + Original Antique Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set, 132 Magazine Issues-11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Learn a variety of Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, natural method! + Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set -132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures. + Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.) + Use Your Own Eyes & Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken, M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.) + Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden, Dr. Bates - with Pictures & Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the 1st Physical Fitness Teachers.) + EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance-strengthening, Positive Emotions, Pictures. +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method. 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. + Clear Close Vision, Reading Fine Print Clear. + Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight +The Basics of Natural Eyesight Improvement. + Astigmatism Removal and other books. + Eyecharts Book with Training-15 Large, Small and Fine Print. Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Tumbling E Chart, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts, Eyechart Video Lessons. Pass the driver's license eye exam. + Audio, Videos in Every Chapter - Learn a Treatment, Activity Quick and Easy. 78 Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos.See 'William H. Bates Author's Page' for Pictures, Videos, full description of the Paperback and 17 E-books;

Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Original and Modern Bates Method

Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Original and Modern Bates Method PDF Author: Clark Night
Publisher: Mary I. Oliver, Clark Night
ISBN: 1468052373
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 456

Book Description
Natural Eyesight Improvement based on the Method, Treatments of Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. (Color Version) Paperback contains popular EFT book and Dr. Bates books, Magazines in the E-Book. Amazon 'look inside' will soon have the color preview.Includes 20 Color Printable PDF E-Books with this Paperback book, Eyecharts, Audio, Video Lessons, 600+ color pictures, all the Author's and Ophthalmologist Bates 50 books. Contact the Author for the download link; Address is on the 'Thank-You Page' inside the book. E-Book contains 'Word Search''- type in any word, Example; Myopia to see 50-100 Treatments for unclear distant vision. Adobe Translates to Italian, Spanish, German... Activities; Shifting-Natural Eye Movement, Central Fixation, Relaxation, Memory & Imagination, Switching Close, Middle, Far for perfect equally clear vision, convergence, accommodation, divergence, un-accommodation in the left and right eyes at all distances, Left and Right Brain Hemisphere Activation & Integration, Color Treatment, Visualization, Alpha, Theta, Delta Brain Wave Deep Relaxation, Palming, Positive Thinking, Posture, Body Movement, Physical Therapy, Abdominal Breathing, Chi Energy Circulation, Strengthening, Sunning, Saccadic Sunning, Seeing, Reading Fine Print and Eyecharts Clear, EFT, Acupressure, and other Activities for clear Close and Distant, Day and Night Vision, Healthy Eyes. E-mail, phone support. 20 E-BOOKS CONTAIN; +This Paperback Natural Eyesight Improvement Book in Color, with 100 pictures. Less reading, Easy to learn steps; Read the directions printed on the pictures for Fast Vision Improvement. +Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines -July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 pictures and additional, up to date Modern Training. +Original Antique Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Photo copy of all his Original Magazine Pages. (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines - July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Learn the Method, Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement! +The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (photo copy of all the original book pages) with pictures. +Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with pictures. +Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. Lierman/Bates. +Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Strengthening The eyes-A New Course In Scientific Eye Training In 28 Lessons by Bernarr MacFadden - with pictures & modern training. +EFT Training Book. +Clear Close Vision - Seeing Fine Print Clear. +Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight without Glasses. +Astigmatism Removal Treatments. +New additional books.+Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Charts for Clear Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts. +Audio and Video lessons in training chapters. Dr. Bates discovered the natural principles, true function of the eyes and applied relaxation, natural methods to return the eyes, eye muscles, mind/brain, body (entire visual system) to normal function with healthy eyes and clear vision. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine stories, articles describe how Dr. Bates, Emily Lierman Bates, other Doctors, School Teachers, Bates Method Students/Teachers, Children and Parents used Natural Treatments to remove, correct, prevent many different eye problems without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. The natural treatments they applied removed/prevented; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, conical cornea, cornea scars, retinitis pigmentosa, detached retina, wandering/crossed eyes (strabismus) and other conditions. See 'William H. Bates Author's Page' for entire Biography, Videos of internal book pages, description of the Paperback, 20 E-books.


BETTER EYESIGHT PDF Author: Ophthalmologist William H. Bates
Publisher: Dr. William Horatio Bates, M.D., - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 1364

Book Description
BETTER EYESIGHT - A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF IMPERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES July, 1919 - June, 1930 - 132 Issues - 2400 Pages. Central Fixation Publishing Co. New York, N. Y. USA Natural Vision Improvement. By Ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates and Emily C. Lierman/A. Bates and other doctors, teachers. Natural Eyesight improvement. Ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, 'The Bates Method'. He discovered the true function of the eyes (visual system) and applied natural methods, relaxation to return the eyes, eye muscles to normal function-healthy eyes, clear vision. He cured; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, crossed, wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma & other eye conditions. Natural Eyesight Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Dr. Bates book, magazines, method were hidden from the public by Eye Surgeons, Optometrists, Optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works, is easy, anyone can learn, teach it, including children. It produces healthy eyes, clear vision and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts, other eye conditions! Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Author of; 'The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses', 'Perfect Sight Without Glasses' and 'Better Eyesight Magazine' 132 Monthly Issues from his Clinic in New York City. The eye doctor that discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, The Bates Method. He corrected the eyesight of hundreds of thousands of patients without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs during his life and after through his books, magazines. Review EVELYN CUSHING CAMPBELL Better Eyesight Magazine I have acquired perfect vision without glasses, and a relaxed state of once over-strained nerves. A visit to Dr. Bates wrought this seeming miracle. VICTORIA COOLIDGE Better Eyesight HOW I HELPED OTHERS When I had become able to read without glasses, and my headaches had become less and less frequent, and less severe each time, I was so enthusiastic over my experience that I was anxious to help others. My brother was my first patient. He has now done without glasses for about a year, and has made remarkable progress in that time. CHARLOTTE ROBERTSON Better Eyesight How My Eyestrain was Relieved I Have had such wonderful relief by following Dr. Bates' method of treating imperfect sight and eye-strain. I have practiced reading pages from Dr. Bates' book which I have always found encouraging. W. Wallace Fritz, M. D., Journal of the Allied Medical Associations The removal of strain causes a return to normal vision. Marshall, Olive. "Has nature played trick on us?" Syracuse Herald Spectacles may be banished by the revolutionary discovery of Dr. Bates. He claims that all errors of refraction-nearsight, farsight, astigmatism and even old-age sight are due to a mental strain resulting in imperfect functioning of the muscles on the outside of the eyeball. The cure for all these conditions, Dr. Bates finds in relaxation.

Gimnasia para la visión

Gimnasia para la visión PDF Author: Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer
Publisher: EDAF
ISBN: 844143834X
Category : Medical
Languages : es
Pages : 85

Book Description
Inmersos en la moderna sociedad de la información, los ojos de muchas personas sufren presiones y tensiones jamás vistas, a menudo forzados a trabajar hasta la extenuación. En todo el mundo las enfermedades de la vista crecen sin cesar. Cerca del 80% de los jóvenes de las grandes ciudades sufren ya de miopía. Otras dolencias, relacionadas con la edad, como las cataratas, el glaucoma o la degeneración macular, se expanden sin parar. ¿Sería posible tal vez luchar contra estos problemas, prevenir molestias y cuidar de los ojos con sencillos ejercicios? Este manual práctico te permite descubrir: - Cómo relajar de forma efi caz los ojos cansados. - Cómo regenerar las capacidades visuales fatigadas, con total suavidad. - Cómo potenciar la vista para apreciar mejor contrastes y colores. - Cómo fortalecer la vista de manera óptima y prevenir los problemas de visión. Esta Gimnasia para la visión se propone un objetivo muy ambicioso: ayudarle a recuperar y estimular todas las facultades visuales de sus ojos.