Lower Cook Inlet Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2023

Lower Cook Inlet Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2023 PDF Author: Edward O. Otis
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
The overall purpose of this project is to provide information on the run-timing and magnitude of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka escapements to Mikfik and Chenik lakes in the Kamishak District of the Lower Cook Inlet Management Area (LCIMA). Results will be used by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) fisheries managers to facilitate informed inseason management of commercial purse seine fisheries targeting these stocks to be consistent with sustained yield of wild stocks (AS 16.05.730), follow appropriate principles and criteria in the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.222), and achieve spawning escapement goals (5 AAC 39.223). This plan documents procedures we developed for estimating sockeye salmon escapement using an unmanned, or autonomous video counting tower (AVCT) that employs above-stream remote video cameras and digital time-lapse recording equipment (Otis and Dickson 2002). Hard drives are retrieved regularly, and video reviewed immediately so managers can use these data to adjust fishery openings in season to attain established escapement goals (Hollowell et al. 2022). The annual escapement indices derived by remote video are also used to refine the sustainable escapement goals for these stocks, currently established by ADF&G at 3,400–11,000 for Mikfik Lake and 2,900–13,700 for Chenik Lake (Table 1; Otis et al. 2010, Otis et al. 2013, Otis et al. 2016).

Lower Cook Inlet Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2020-2022

Lower Cook Inlet Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2020-2022 PDF Author: Edward O. Otis
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 116

Book Description
The overall purpose of this project is to provide information on the run-timing and magnitude of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka escapements to Mikfik and Chenik lakes in the Kamishak District of the Lower Cook Inlet Management Area (LCIMA). Results will be used by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) fisheries managers to facilitate informed inseason management of commercial purse seine fisheries targeting these stocks to be consistent with sustained yield of wild stocks, follow appropriate principles and criteria in the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries, and achieve spawning escapement goals. This plan documents procedures we developed for estimating sockeye salmon escapement using an unmanned, or autonomous video counting tower (AVCT) that employs above-stream remote video cameras and digital time-lapse recording equipment. Hard drives are retrieved regularly, and video reviewed immediately so managers can use these data to adjust fishery openings in season to attain established escapement goals. The annual escapement indices derived by remote video are also used to refine the sustainable escapement goals for these stocks, currently established by ADF&G at 3,400-11,000 for Mikfik Lake and 2,900-13,700 for Chenik Lake.

Lower Cook Inlet Aerial and Ground Survey Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2022–2024

Lower Cook Inlet Aerial and Ground Survey Salmon Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan, 2022–2024 PDF Author: Edward O. Otis
Category : Aerial surveys
Languages : en
Pages : 40

Book Description
To facilitate informed inseason management of commercial fisheries targeting Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp., the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) uses aerial and ground survey methods to monitor escapement on select index streams in Lower Cook Inlet (LCI). Surveyors make periodic counts of sockeye O. nerka, chum O. keta, and pink O. gorbuscha salmon throughout the duration of their respective runs. Fishery managers use these data daily to manipulate time and area fishery openings/closures in an effort to assure that the final escapement level for monitored stocks falls within their individual escapement goal ranges. At the end of the season, periodic aerial and ground survey counts are used to calculate a final escapement index for each stream based on the area-under-the-curve method (pink and chum salmon) or the peak survey count (sockeye salmon). This report provides operational guidelines for aerial and ground survey-based monitoring of salmon escapements in LCI.

Operational Plan: Upper Cook Inlet Salmon Personal Use Harvest Monitoring, 2022-2024

Operational Plan: Upper Cook Inlet Salmon Personal Use Harvest Monitoring, 2022-2024 PDF Author: Adam St. Saviour
Category : Fishing surveys
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
The goals of this study are to estimate the participation and harvest of 5 personal use salmon fisheries that occur in Upper Cook Inlet. Harvests of sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) salmon will be estimated from the Kasilof gillnet fishery; harvests of sockeye, coho (O. kisutch), and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon will be estimated from the Kasilof dipnet fishery; harvests of sockeye, Chinook, coho, and pink salmon will be estimated from the Kenai dipnet fishery; and harvest of sockeye and coho salmon will be estimated from the Fish Creek and Susitna River dipnet fisheries. Incidental harvest of flounder will also be estimated for all for fisheries.

Red Lake Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Project, 2022

Red Lake Remote Video Salmon Escapement Monitoring Project, 2022 PDF Author: Tim Blackmon
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
From June 8 through October 13, 2022, Alaska Department of Fish and Game staff operated an autonomous video counting tower (AVCT) immediately below the outlet of Red Lake within the Southern District of the Lower Cook Inlet Management Area (LCIMA). The AVCT was programmed to record high-resolution time-lapse video during daylight hours to provide information on the run-timing and magnitude of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) escapements into Red Lake. This project was a component of the Alaska Energy Authority’s preliminary assessment of fishery resources in the Martin River drainage, which is under consideration for future hydroelectric power development. Sockeye salmon (O. nerka), coho salmon (O. kisutch), pink salmon (O. gorbuscha), and Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) were captured on video migrating upstream to Red Lake in 2022. Additionally, juvenile coho salmon were collected from the lake shoreline during a spring sampling trip. The AVCT operated without interruption and documented 681 sockeye salmon with the peak daily count occurring on June 21. Peak run timing for coho salmon occurred on October 10 with a total observed escapement of 48. The AVCT documented 5 pink salmon and 53 Dolly Varden, as well as a variety of wildlife.

A Review of Escapement Goals for Salmon Stocks in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2023

A Review of Escapement Goals for Salmon Stocks in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2023 PDF Author: Edward O. Otis
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) interdivisional escapement goal review committee (committee) reviewed 41 escapement goals for Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. stocks in Lower Cook Inlet (LCI). Escapement goals were reviewed based on the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.222) and the Policy for Statewide Salmon Escapement Goals (5 AAC 39.223) adopted by the Alaska Board of Fisheries into regulation in 2001. All of the existing goals were adopted in 2017, except for 1 chum salmon O. keta stock (McNeil River, adopted 2007) and 2 sockeye salmon O. nerka stocks (Bear and English Bay Lakes, adopted 2001). Except for 2 Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha stocks (Anchor and Ninilchik Rivers) and 4 sockeye salmon stocks (English Bay, Bear, Mikfik, and Chenik Lakes), salmon escapements in LCI are primarily monitored by single or multiple aerial and/or foot surveys of appropriate stream reaches. The resulting escapement indices do not provide absolute abundance estimates suitable for estimating biological escapement goals (BEG). Consequently, all LCI goals are sustainable escapement goals (SEG). There are no escapement goals for coho salmon O. kisutch in LCI. To improve management flexibility and consistency between management areas in Alaska, the committee supported LCI transitioning from stock-specific SEGs for pink (O. gorbuscha, 18 stocks) and chum (12 stocks) salmon to aggregate escapement goals for each of the 3 LCI districts with commercial fisheries targeting these species (Southern, Outer, and Kamishak). ADF&G will continue managing LCI Chinook (3 stocks) and sockeye (8 stocks) salmon using stock-specific SEGs, with 2 Chinook (Anchor and Ninilchik Rivers) and 2 sockeye salmon (Bear and English Bay Lakes) goals changing during this review period.

Central Alaska Salmon Investigations

Central Alaska Salmon Investigations PDF Author: Howard David Tait
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 6

Book Description

Escapement Goals for Salmon Stocks in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska

Escapement Goals for Salmon Stocks in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska PDF Author: Edward O. Otis
Category : Escapement (Fisheries)
Languages : en
Pages : 25

Book Description

Operational Plan: Jim Creek Coho Salmon Escapement, 2023-2027

Operational Plan: Jim Creek Coho Salmon Escapement, 2023-2027 PDF Author: Daryl Lescanec
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 0

Book Description
This project will enumerate coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and other fish passage at a floating resistance-board weir in the Jim Creek drainage during 2023–2027. The number of adult coho and sockeye salmon that pass through the weir from 20 July to 30 September will be counted and estimates of sex composition for adult coho salmon and age and sex composition of adult sockeye salmon will be made for both years.

Prince William Sound Pink and Chum Salmon Aerial Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan 2020-2022

Prince William Sound Pink and Chum Salmon Aerial Escapement Monitoring Operational Plan 2020-2022 PDF Author: Charles W. Russell
Category : Chum salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 29

Book Description
To facilitate informed inseason management of commercial fisheries targeting pink Oncorhynchus gorbusha, and chum salmon O. keta the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, uses aerial surveys to monitor escapement on select index streams in Prince William Sound (PWS). Surveyors make weekly counts of pink and chum salmon throughout the duration of the runs. Fishery managers use these data daily to manipulate time and area of fisheries openings to ensure sustainable escapement levels and follow appropriate principles and criteria in the Policy for the Management of Mixed Stock Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.220), the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.222), and the Policy for Statewide Salmon Escapement Goals (5 AAC 39.223). Post-season, weekly survey counts of index streams are used to calculate a final escapement index for each district-specific escapement goal based on area-under-the curve methods and stream-specific estimates of stream life. This report provides operational guidelines for aerial monitoring of pink and chum salmon escapements in PWS.