Herrenhausen im internationalen Vergleich

Herrenhausen im internationalen Vergleich PDF Author: Sigrid Thielking
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960910053
Category : Science
Languages : de
Pages : 341

Book Description
Die Herrenhäuser Gärten bestechen in ihrer nachbarschaftlichen Versammlung verschiedener Gartentypen (Großer Garten, Berggarten, Georgengarten, Welfengarten), die ein Stück Welfengeschichte und eine einzigartige Konzentration verschiedener Gartenformationen bieten. Hier versammelten sich Regenten, Philosophen und Staatsmänner, Musen und Mätressen, Reisende und Diplomaten, Künstler und Wissenschaftler zum regen wissenschaftlichen, kulturellen und geselligen Austausch. Inzwischen wurde im Großen Garten zu Herrenhausen das Schloss durch die VolkswagenStiftung zu einem Wissenschaftszentrum wieder aufgebaut, um als ein "Treibhaus der Ideen" dieses Ensemble von Herrenhausen zu bereichern und den Dialog zu fördern.Wissenschaftlich ist Herrenhausen noch zu wenig in den Fokus einer vergleichenden Gartenforschung getreten; hier eine entsprechend stärkere Berücksichtigung zu initiieren, ist eine Intention des vorliegenden Bandes. Die Beiträge der Konferenz "Herrenhausen im internationalen Vergleich. Eine kritische Betrachtung", die, gefördert durch die VolkswagenStiftung, vom Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL) ausgerichtet wurde, werfen insofern frappierende und frische Blicke auf Herrenhausen. Der vorliegende Tagungsband beleuchtet die Wichtigkeit der Gärten Herrenhausens sowohl in ihren internationalen und nationalen Bezügen als auch in ihren bis heute lebendigen lokalen, wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Verschränkungen. Mit Beiträgen von: Annette Antoine, Thomas Biskup, Arno Brandt, Michael Braum , Horst Bredekamp, Gabriella Catalano, Ronald Clark, Joseph Disponzio, Marlis Drevermann, Hubertus Fischer, Sepp Heckmann, Klaus Hulek, John Dixon Hunt, Kaspar Klaffke, Wilhelm Krull, Sarah Michaelis, Holger Paschburg, Katharina Peters, Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Michael Rohde, Georg Ruppelt, Sophie von Schwerin, Kristina Steyer, Sigrid Thielking , Robert Weber, Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, Carl Zillich

Power and Ceremony in European History

Power and Ceremony in European History PDF Author: Anna Kalinowska
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350152196
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 288

Book Description
From oaths and hand-kissing to coronations and baptisms, Power and Ceremony in European History considers the governing practices, courtly rituals, and expressions of power prevalent in Europe and the Ottoman Empire from the medieval age to the modern era. Bringing together political and art historical approaches to the study of power, this book reveals how ceremonies and rituals - far from simply being ostentatious displays of wealth - served as a primary means of communication between different participants in political and courtly life. It explores how ceremonial culture changed over time and in different regions to provide readers with a nuanced comparative understanding of rituals and ceremonies since the middle ages, showing how such performances were integral to the evolution of the state in Europe. This collection of essays is of immense value to both historians and art historians interested in representations of power and the political culture of Europe from 1450 onwards.

Environmental Policy and Landscape Architecture

Environmental Policy and Landscape Architecture PDF Author: Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960910010
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295

Book Description
Volume 18 in the CGL-Studies series, entitled "Environmental Policy and Landscape Architecture", is the result of an international symposium held in Jerusalem in March 2011 which was organised by the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute in collaboration with the Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture. The symposium focused on how the many different facets of landscape architecture could help towards solving environmental problems. Sustainable Development and Landscaping, Environmental Policy and the Contribution of Landscape Architecture at a Local Level, Designing Public Open Spaces and Social Sustainability, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture in Israel/Palestine, and Water and Soil: Crisis and Conservation are the key chapters in this volume. The authors address a wide range of issues including the significance of religions in ideas about environmentalism in historical and current debates, how Palestinian society can meet challenges posed by the dynamic development of urban structures through capacity building in landscape architecture, and economically meaningful strategies for soil conservation in arable fields as part of agricultural sustainability in semi-arid areas. A key objective of the symposium was also to determine opportunities for cooperation in the field of environment and landscaping for Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims, Jews and Christians in a region marked by huge tension and conflicts. The authors are scholars of various disciplines such as landscape architecture, urban planning, technology assessment, philosophy of science, environmental communication and ecology, and come from Israel, Palestine, USA, Norway and Germany.

Hanover and England

Hanover and England PDF Author: Marcus Köhler
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960914989
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 230

Book Description
When George I, Elector of Hanover, was crowned King of England in 1714, he established a dynastic union between the two countries that endured until 1837, leaving many cultural and political accomplishments to posterity. The 300th anniversary of this union led the Institute of Landscape Architecture, Technische Universität Dresden, and the Centre of Garden and Landscape Architecture (CGL), Leibniz Universität Hannover, to take a critical look at the gardens that resulted. The symposium "Hanover and England: a union of state and garden / German and British garden culture between 1714 and today" was sponsored by the Lower Saxonian Ministry of Science and Culture. The resulting papers dealt with far more than garden history, addressing as well the background and channels by which ideas on art, agriculture, commerce, technology, literature and politics were exchanged. Given the encyclopedic interests of late 18th century thinkers, it was necessary to invite several academic disciplines to participate, in order to describe and discuss the cultural transfer between Great Britain and Hanover. The transfer of horticultural and artistic ideas very often flourished in the 19th century at different places. For this reason, the conference focused on two key aspects: the Hanoverian-British exchange between 1714 and 1837 (the period of the actual royal union) and the Anglo-German relations that endure to the present day. Als Georg I., Kurfürst von Hannover, 1714 zum König von England gekrönt wurde, begründete dies eine Personalunion zwischen den beiden Ländern, die bis 1837 bestand und der Nachwelt eine Vielzahl kultureller und politischer Errungenschaften hinterließ. Das 300-jährige Jubiläum dieses Zusammenschlusses nahmen das Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur der Technischen Universität Dresden und das Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL) der Leibniz Universität Hannover zum Anlass, sich kritisch mit den in dieser Zeit entstandenen Gärten auseinanderzusetzen. Das Symposium "Hanover and England: a union of state and garden / German and British garden culture between 1714 and today" wurde vom Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur gefördert. Die Beiträge beschäftigten sich nicht nur mit Gartengeschichte, sondern widmeten sich auch dem Austausch von Ideen zu Kunst, Landwirtschaft, Handel, Technologie, Literatur und Politik. So schien es sinnvoll, unterschiedliche akademische Disziplinen zur Teilnahme einzuladen, um den kulturellen Transfer zwischen Großbritannien und Hannover zu untersuchen und zu diskutieren. Die Konferenz konzentrierte sich auf zwei Schlüsselaspekte: den hannoverisch-britischen Austausch zwischen 1714 und 1837 (die Zeit der Personalunion) und die deutsch-englischen Beziehungen, die bis heute andauern.

From Dangast to Colorado Springs

From Dangast to Colorado Springs PDF Author: Gert Gröning
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München AVM
ISBN: 395477061X
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 168

Book Description
Irma Franzen-Heinrichsdorff was a 20th century landscape architect, who was not widely known in Germany. Her creative horticultural work included not least her impressive "landscape ideas" for private gardens, some of which are presented and paid tribute to here for the first time. In this book, Franzen-Heinrichsdorff's remarkable biography is traced using information from previously untapped sources. Franzen-Heinrichsdorff studied at the horticultural institute "Lehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau" in Berlin-Dahlem and became the first woman to gain the qualification of "Staatlich diplomierte Gartenbauinspektorin", i. e. horticultural inspector, in the subject of landscape gardening. She thereby attained the highest academic honour there was in this profession at the time. Influenced by expressionism and with an interest in music and dance, the accomplished illustrator and designer had a promising career as a landscape architect ahead of her. Rather than marrying the distinguished solo flutist Alfred Tibursky, the father of her two children, she tied the knot with landscape architect Gustav Heinrichsdorff, only to divorce him several years later. Family-related and professional difficulties forced Franzen-Heinrichsdorff to give up her career, and she went on to run a children's home in the North Sea resort of Dangast for twenty years instead. Undeterred by intermittent harassment from National Socialists, she also cared for three foster children there over the years. It was not until later in life that she had the opportunity to work as a landscape architect once again in Colorado Springs in the United States of America; two of her former foster children and her son were instrumental in paving the way for her.

Jewish horticultural schools and training centers in Germany and their

Jewish horticultural schools and training centers in Germany and their PDF Author: Tal Alon-Mozes
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960915349
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 190

Book Description
Volume 27 of the CGL-Studies – "Jewish Horticultural Schools and Training Centers in Germany and their Impact on Horticulture and Landscape Architecrture in Palestine / Israel" – presents the results of a symposium which was held in September 2016 at the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, jointly organized by the Leo Baeck Institute, the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning of the Technion, Haifa, and the Center of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture of Leibniz University Hannover. The volume presents four main chapters. The first, "Hachsharot in Context", deals with the context and changing role of Jewish agricultural training in Germany and Hachsharot in the time of the Nazi dictatorship. In the next chapter, "Perceptions of Nature", ideas of the Jewish youth movement about nature and landscape and the perceptions of nature among Hachshara members are discussed. "Hachsharot in Germany and Palestine", the third chapter, presents papers on Jewish horticultural training centers in Germany in the regions of Hannover and Berlin/Brandenburg, as well as on Gross-Gaglow, a cooperative Jewish settlement located near Cottbus, and on Kfar Ruppin and Sde Eliyahu, a secular and a religious Kibbutz in Israel, respectively. The papers in the concluding chapter "Beyond Hachsharot", deal with the lives and work of female Jewish gardeners and garden architects in Vienna, and with the Ahlem memorial and documentation center, established at the site of the former Israelitische Gartenbauschule Ahlem (Jewish Horticultural School Ahlem) in Hannover.

From Garden Art to Landscape Architecture

From Garden Art to Landscape Architecture PDF Author: Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München AVM
ISBN: 395477125X
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 220

Book Description
Originally, the area of responsibility for landscape architecture was based on the premise that the planning and creating of open spaces such as parks and gardens was the business of garden artists. Today, the training of landscape architects and future challenges of the profession include the protection of natural resources and the environment, urban planning or tourism - to name but a few. The international symposium “From Garden Art to Landscape Architecture - Traditions, Re-Evaluations, and Future Perspectives” addressed questions which, based on the idea of garden art, should help to reconstruct its historical development but also discussed the notion and the relevance of “art” in everyday work. The contributions critically reflect on the professional self-image of landscape architects at the beginning of the 21st century. The symposium in September 2018 was co-organized by the City and State Capital of Hannover’s Herrenhausen Gardens Division, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitekturt (DGGL), the Volkswagen Foundation and the Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architectur.

Landschaften - Gärten - Literaturen

Landschaften - Gärten - Literaturen PDF Author: Irmela von der Lühe
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960910002
Category : Science
Languages : de
Pages : 489

Book Description
Forschungen zur Geschichte der Gartenkultur, zu moderner Landschaftsarchitektur und zu Gärten und Landschaften in der Literatur sind einer der Forschungsschwerpunkte des Zentrums für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur (CGL) der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Der Band 19 der CGL-Studies bietet wichtige neue Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenhang von Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaften einerseits und den "Garten"-Wissenschaften andererseits.Fachleute aus den verschiedenen Disziplinen haben sich anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Hubertus Fischer mit einer faszinierenden Vielfalt neuer Fragen den Gärten und Landschaften in und außerhalb der Literatur genähert. Die Beiträge des Bandes entwickeln u. a. "Transdisziplinäre Blicke auf akademische Landschaften", stellen "Reflexionen über Landschaften und Gärten in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit" an oder wandeln "Auf den Spuren Theodor Fontanes". Es geht dabei immer wieder um Beziehungen zwischen realen und "Stimmungslandschaften", um Imaginationen von Natur und Landschaft und "Landschaften der Leidenschaft" bis hin zu den Gebirgslandschaften der Schweiz und der Klosterlandschaft Chorin. Ein Kapitel mit "Kulturgeschichtlichen Perspektiven und Fallstudien" rundet den Band ab und fragt z. B. nach "religiösen" Landschaften oder nach urbanen Utopien in literarischen Texten der Gegenwart.Mit Beiträgen von:Roland Berbig, Regina Dieterle, Konrad Ehlich, Jan Gehlsen, Harald Haferland, Karsten Jørgensen, Detlef Karg, Dieter Kartschoke, Wolfgang Keim, Hansjörg Küster, Günther Mensching, Gerd Michelsen, Maria E. Müller, Günter Nagel, Hubert Orlowski, Volker Remmert, Miriam Riekenberg, Werner Röcke, Michael Rohde, Georg Ruppelt, Vanessa Rusch, Carola Schelle-Wolff, Norbert Rob Schittek, Ralf Schnell, Hille von Seggern, Sigrid Thielking, Donata Valentien, Florian Vaßen, Berbeli Wanning, Udo Weilacher, Tanja Weiß, Clemens Alexander Wimmer, Maria Wojtczak

Zukunft aus Landschaft gestalten

Zukunft aus Landschaft gestalten PDF Author: Hubertus Fischer
Publisher: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
ISBN: 3960910029
Category : Science
Languages : de
Pages : 275

Book Description
Wie kann man Zukunft aus Landschaft gestalten und welchen Beitrag kann dazu die Landschaftsarchitektur leisten? Auf diese Fragen versucht der Band eine Antwort zu geben. Bald vierzig Expertinnen und Experten entwickeln ihre Gedanken zu Stichworten wie "Fragment" und "Freiraum", "Heimat" und "Horizont", "Wald" und "Wasser". Die Idee zu dem Buch entstand in einem Gespräch mit Bernard Lassus. Sie hat Professionen der Landschaft zusammengeführt und neue Ideen produziert. Von der "Imagination" als Provokation der Landschaftsarchitektur hat man bisher wenig, von der "Fraktalen Geometrie" als Neuansatz in der Gartenkunst noch gar nichts gehört. Der Band regt zur Fortschreibung an.Mit Beiträgen von: Gerd Aufmkolk, Werner Durth, Hans Jörg Duvigneau, Johannes Dziadek, Inken Formann, Anette Freytag, Christophe Girot, Gert Gröning, Stephanie Hennecke, Almut Jirku, Karsten Jørgensen, Peter Kees, Albert Kirchengast, Kaspar Klaffke, Thomas Kluge, Reinhard Komar, Stephanie Krebs, Hansjörg Küster, Bernard Lassus, Elisabeth Merk, Sarah Michaelis, Günter Nagel, Bettina Oppermann, Cord Panning, Martin Prominski, Florian Rüger, Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann, Hille von Seggern, Christiane Sörensen, Johannes Stoffler, Sigrid Thielking, Donata Valentien, Udo Weilacher, James L. Wescoat Jr., Sophie Wolfrum, Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, Brigitte Wormbs, Gesa Ziemer

The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization

The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization PDF Author: Johan Wagemans
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191510475
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 1121

Book Description
Perceptual organization comprises a wide range of processes such as perceptual grouping, figure-ground organization, filling-in, completion, perceptual switching, etc. Such processes are most notable in the context of shape perception but they also play a role in texture perception, lightness perception, color perception, motion perception, depth perception, etc. Perceptual organization deals with a variety of perceptual phenomena of central interest, studied from many different perspectives, including psychophysics, experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, and computational modeling. Given its central importance in phenomenal experience, perceptual organization has also figured prominently in classic Gestalt writings on the topic, touching upon deep philosophical issues regarding mind-brain relationships and consciousness. In addition, it attracts a great deal of interest from people working in applied areas like visual art, design, architecture, music, and so forth. The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization provides a broad and extensive review of the current literature, written in an accessible form for scholars and students. With chapter written by leading researchers in the field, this is the state-of-the-art reference work on this topic, and will be so for many years to come.